TIp 29 thAnk YouR PARtICIPAntS a vIdeo can be very poWerful Many people participate in research because they want to influence busi- ness decisions and help brands and companies they like. Let them know that their opinion counts and is of value to you. The best way to do this is to let them know how their participation will help you. Let them know what decisions will be made because of the research. Be as specific as you can. how did your experience taking this survey make you feel about To give a best in class experience, make it personal and create a short thank the brand or company it was for? you video. Best-in-class advice is for the end-client to make a short video better no different Worse don’t know explaining how people’s participation in the research will not only help 49% 46% 1% 4% the client but will help other people (citizens or consumers), but make sure that the message is not promotional or marketing in nature. Source: GRBN Online Survey Experience A/B Testing The video doesn’t have to be professionally made. A “homemade” video can This chart shows that 49% of participants who saw the “thank you” video even increase authenticity and empathy, which are useful when building a said that the survey experience improved the image they have of the com- relationship. pany sponsoring the survey. Include the video at the end of the survey to avoid bias, but promise it up- This compares with 29% giving the same answer in the control cell, demon- front as a key selling point in the invite. strating that the “thank you” video from the client has a significant impact on the experience. ENGAGE 2.0 - 30 TIPS TO IMPROVE THE RESEARCH PARTICIPANT USER EXPERIENCE – A GRBN Handbook © 2020 GRBN 50
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