TIp 4 tReAt MARket ReSeARCh AS A bRAnd touChPoInt Market research has become a brand touchpoint and a research experi- ence that is positively aligned with the overall customer journey is required. Promise to let them know the sponsor of the Companies need to provide a great customer experience that spans across research at the end of the survey all touchpoints, including market research. If the market research experience of a consumer is positive, it will not just influence their opinion on their entire consumer journey, but also their per- Whilst you don’t want to risk biasing the survey, in most cases, there is no ception of the brand. harm in revealing the name of the survey sponsor at the end of the survey. In fact, assuming the experience you give people is positive, this will leave a bRAnd touCh-PoInt customer experience positive impression on the company or brand behind the survey. It will also increase people’s motivation to take surveys in the future. Sales Direct Word of Promotion how does or would it change your motivation to take a survey if you were told the name mouth of the company or brand who was sponsoring the survey than if you were not told? Market Packaging Research Advertising Blog 4% 4% Source: GRBN Online UX Survey 2016 - Phone Store/PDS Newsletter Communi Not sure Somewhat at less ties Ecomerce PR Product Social media 2% 47% 28% 15% 43% Events Website Employees Collateral CRM Much No difference Would be less to me Somewhat Much more motivated more more ENGAGE 2.0 - 30 TIPS TO IMPROVE THE RESEARCH PARTICIPANT USER EXPERIENCE – A GRBN Handbook © 2020 GRBN 25
ENGAGE 2 0 - 30 tips to improve the research participant user experience - A GRBN Handbook 2020 04 - ol Page 24 Page 26