TIp 23 keeP the WoRdInG SIMPLe And ConVeRSAtIonAL. WRIte LIke A huMAn Conversational language is likely to give a better user experience than offi- cial-sounding “researcher-speak.” As people’s attention spans decrease, especially on mobile devices, writing concisely also wins you points with survey-takers. 9 In 10 SuRVeY-tAkeRS WouLd LIke How about asking a non-researcher to read through your questionnaire to help SuRVeYS to be MoRe ConCISe And ensure that you are ‘speaking’ in an understandable, clear and consise way? ConVeRSAtIonAL. Worried about the impact on your data? In our A/B test, the data suggests there was no difference, even on a highly detailed subject like insurance. Source: GRBN Online Survey Experience A/B Testing ENGAGE 2.0 - 30 TIPS TO IMPROVE THE RESEARCH PARTICIPANT USER EXPERIENCE – A GRBN Handbook © 2020 GRBN 44
ENGAGE 2 0 - 30 tips to improve the research participant user experience - A GRBN Handbook 2020 04 - ol Page 43 Page 45