Tips for Online Communities Tips for Online Communities 3 4 Brainstorm recruitment Create a positive sources first impression Customer personas for key customer groups can help your The invitation survey is the first impression members have company discover unique ways to locate and approach of your online community. The invitation survey should members to join your online community. generate enthusiasm, educate and inform members, and For example, the ȊMillennial Melanieȋ persona shows you collect their qualification information. At the same time, the she prefers social media, spends time online, and is a full- survey should remain short and engaging. time student. Therefore, some ways to approach ȊMelanieȋ Remember, you can build on the relationship with the would be via communications she has subscribed to with members in your online community over time so only your company (email), online intercepts/banners, and essential questions are necessary in the invitation survey. through university message boards. As you learn more from your members, update your personas to keep them robust and available for ongoing recruitment. INVITATION SURVEY CHECKLIST MOBILE-ENABLED AVOID DISQUALIFYING PEOPLE UNLESS NECESSARY SET EXPECTATIONS OF WHAT COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP WILL BE LIKE INCLUDE 1-2 RELEVANT INDUSTRY OR TOPIC-SPECIFIC QUESTIONS TO BE MORE ENGAGING Source: Vision Critical Source: Vision Critical © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 44 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 45