Tips for Online Communities Tips for Online Communities 21 22 Be respectful when Use member health metrics members unsubscribe A healthy community is one with engaged members that are At any time, your members can decide they no longer want motivated to participate. An involved community leads to to be a part of the community. People may leave the higher response rates, better quality data, and lower churn. community for reasons that are out of your control; they are Key community health metrics that should be tracked too busy, are no longer a customer, or have lost interest in include size, participation and utilization, community the topic. Other reasons for leaving may be in your control; profile, activity cadence, and response rates. Non- they feel like they aren’t being listened to, are not receiving responders can be removed on a regular basis to free up any share-backs, or don’t feel a sense of community. space and improve data quality. New members should be If possible, ask individuals why they are leaving when they recruited regularly to provide a fresh perspective and boost unsubscribe so you can be aware of any improvements you the size of the community. can make. ‘ Source: Vision Critical Source: Vision Critical © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 66 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 67