Tips for Online Communities Tips for Online Communities 16 17 Keep the Encourage storytelling conversation going Encourage members to their stories—about themselves, about Online communities encourage members to share stories their experiences, and about your brand. This helps members about themselves and their experiences. Companies can to get to know one another and feel an emotional connection to use probing questions to get people thinking and start a others in the community. It can also help you uncover hidden dialogue with community members. For example, ask a insight and inspire new ideas across your organization. ȊThink Aloud Questionȋ where members recount a recent You can share members’ stories through regular share- experience in as much detail as possible. The goal of this backs, your community portal, and in activities. activity is to capture evaluations based on the Ȋvoice of the customer.ȋ It allows the consumer to assess a situation or a product in their own words, rather than reacting to structured questions. ȃA lotto and gaming company was collecting stories about how customers choose their lotto numbers. They received fascinating stories! One was so impressive they followed up with the member and ultimately produced a TV commercial that features her and her story.Ȅ - Vision Critical customer story based on actual online community use case Source: Vision Critical Source: Vision Critical © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 60 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 61