Tips for Online Communities Tips for Online Communities 18 Create the right farewell message RECOMMENDED CONTENT IN SUNSET MESSAGING If a decision is made to shut down an online community, it THANK MEMBERS FOR THEIR TIME AND PARTICIPATION. is important to notify the members in an authentic and INFORM THAT THE PORTAL WILL BE TAKEN DOWN, AND THERE transparent way. Members view the community as an WILL BE NO FURTHER INVITATIONS/SHARE-BACKS. extension of your brand and will express their opinions RECAP MAIN DECISIONS MADE FROM COMMUNITY INPUT. about the experience via a variety of channels (e.g., social ASSURE THAT INFORMATION IS PROTECTED BY THE PRIVACY media). POLICY. Make sure the sunset messaging is written in the right tone to match your brand and provides a way for members to leave comments. Consider keeping an activity open for the remaining weeks of the community so members can submit Source: Vision Critical feedback. Source: Vision Critical © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 62 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 63