Tips for Online Surveys Tips for Online Surveys 25 Hire a professional… ȃSome are vague or force you into an answer Everyone knows how to ask a question, right? Maybe, but that doesn't fit for you.Ȅ that doesn’t make everyone an expert at questionnaire ȃErrors, bad spelling, hard to understand design. questions, bad scripting, bad formatting.Ȅ Participants dislike poor survey design; poorly written ȃInability to express my opinion. No I DO questions, illogical response options, and a poor layout are NOT KNOW or NOT APPLICABLE option.Ȅ just some of the things they complain about. ȃVery unclear confusing survey questions.Ȅ This shows a lack of respect for the participant and makes ȃHUGE grids to rate LONG LISTS of their experience unnecessarily poor. It may give participants criteria.Ȅ a bad impression of your company and potentially your client and can deliver poor quality data. ȃBoring repetitive survey layouts page after Designing a great questionnaire is both a science and an art, page.Ȅ so do yourself a favor and hire a professional to take care of ȃMany or most are written by people who don't this critical task. properly understand English, or the attitudes that people will have towards products or services.Ȅ - Quotes from survey-takers about unprofessional surveys © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 80 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 81