Tips for Online Surveys Tips for Online Surveys 31 32 WIIFM – sell them Promise and pay a the experience fair incentive Germán Lowe, Netquest CEO, reminded everyone at the The incentive is one of the key motivators for panel Insights Association’s Next Conference that Ȋthere was a members to take a survey. Whilst it is not the only motivator time when taking a survey was one of the most fun things (see Tip 23), it is an important part of the package you are you could do on the internetȋ. This is hard to believe today, positioning to potential participants. The incentive needs to with YouTube, Instagram, and many other platforms that be in line with the effort made and communicate you value offer people much more fun ways to spend their time. the time participants are giving you. A fair incentive has a If you want people to take your survey, especially on their positive effect on both the experience and data quality. mobile, you need to offer a clear value proposition and In particular, consider the time and effort people need to stress the What's In It For Me? take the screener. A 10-minute questionnaire with a 5-minute screener is a 15-minute questionnaire. If But be careful with design, especially images, as you don’t you have a long screener, it is only fair to pay those who want your invite to be qualified as "spam" by the main mail providers. screen out, especially if you use the data. ȃTime to take the survey and the amount of money paid were not equal to what I thought I should have received.Ȅ - Quote from an unhappy survey-taker © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 92 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 93