Tips for Online Communities Tips for Online Communities 12 Keep it interesting PERSONA BUILDER ATTRIBUTES Even though you may do similar surveys, community 1. KEEP IT SHORT AND EASY FOR MEMBERS TO COMPLETE members crave variety and different experiences! Consider (4 CLOSED-ENDED QUESTIONS + 1 OPEN-ENDED QUESTION). putting together a calendar of activities to ensure an array 2. COLLECT RELEVANT DEMOGRAPHIC AND LIFESTYLE of business questions are being addressed at least once INFORMATION. every six months, or by activity type (e.g., online journaling or 3. ENRICH THE PERSONAS BY DESIGNING ACTIVITIES AROUND discussions). THEMES THAT ARE RELEVANT TO THE COMMUNITY MEMBERS Consider adding in Ȋpersona buildingȋ activities to mix it up. AND YOUR BUSINESS. Include short and interactive activities that go beyond 4. SHARE BACK WHAT YOU LEARN WITH YOUR MEMBERS AND business objectives to shed light on who your members are, YOUR STAKEHOLDERS. what they think, and what motivates them. Persona building allows the community manager to learn more about customers and provide more depth to the member relationship. Source: Vision Critical Source: Vision Critical © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 54 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 55