Tips for Online Surveys Tips for Online Surveys How to motivate people to Three of the key hypotheses we were able to support were: take your surveys and to do so again 1. GIVING SURVEY-TAKERS DETAILED The tips in this section come not only from the collective INFORMATION ON WHY THEIR experience of experts in the field of online surveys but also PARTICIPATION WILL BE OF VALUE TO THE from numerous research-on-research studies which have CLIENT AND THEIR CUSTOMERS IMPROVES been conducted on the online survey user experience. THE BRAND EQUITY OF THE SPONSOR. As part of the GRBN Participant Experience Initiative, we wanted to build on the great research already conducted 2. SHOWING A VIDEO OF THE CLIENT and do something different. We decided to undertake a PERSONALLY THANKING SURVEY-TAKERS large-scale A/B testing project in order to test how changing AND EXPLAINING HOW THEIR a survey impacts both the user experience and the impact PARTICIPATION WILL BE OF VALUE TO THE on the brand sponsoring the survey. CLIENT AND THEIR CUSTOMERS IMPROVES GRBN Online Survey Experience A/B Testing BOTH THE USER EXPERIENCE AND THE In the test, we tested several hypotheses and ended up with BRAND EQUITY OF THE SPONSOR. 20 different versions of the questionnaire. 3. SHARING BACK DATA WITH SURVEY- Interestingly, one of the key hypotheses that we failed to TAKERS IMPROVES BOTH THE USER provide support for was that shorter screeners provide a EXPERIENCE AND THE BRAND EQUITY OF better experience than longer screeners. Based on the THE SPONSOR. feedback we received from the survey-takers, the reason for Source: GRBN Online Survey Experience this was that the questions we added to the survey were of A/B Testing interest to them, with the moral of the story being: ȊSHORT IS BETTER THAN LONG, BUT INTERESTING IS EVEN BETTER.ȋ © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 72 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 73