Content thumbnail ROI of Insights | Report

Measuring the business impact of Insights is a must if Insights is to achieve a strong seat at the table. This report presents the key findings from the qualitative and quantitative research recently undertaken by the Boston Consulting Group and GRBN on the ROI of Insights. This research builds on the BCG, Yale CCI, and Cambiar 2015 Consumer Insights . d e v Benchmarking Study, which revealed as few as one-in-five Insights teams are seen as r e s e r s strategic partners in their organizations. Additionally, measuring the ROI of Insights t h g i r l was indicated as one of the key characteristics of an Insights function that is seen as a l A . k r strategic partner. o w t e N s s The key objective of the latest research was to increase the level of understanding of e n i s u B the state of ROI of Insights measurement today and to suggest paths to better ch r About This Report a e measurement tomorrow in order for more Insights teams to have that seat at the s e R l table. a b o l G e Th We hope you find the report both insightful and inspiring. d n a c. n I , p u o t r r G o p g e n i R t l y u d s u n t Co S 7 n 1 o 0 t 2 s o t B ghe i s Th In y f b o 7 OI 1 Christine Barton Pierre Dupreelle Mario Simon Andrew Cannon R 0 2 - © BCG BCG BCG GRBN N B t h g Global Topic Leader, Global Topic Leader, Executive Director i Senior Partner and GRr G y Managing Director Customer Behavior Consumer Engagement C p . 4 B Co

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