Qualitative Insights The research indicates that there is both an opportunity and a threat to . agencies with respect to ROI measurement. d e v r e s e r s t h g i r l The threat of DIY is very real, irrespective of whether an Insights function l A . k r measures their ROI or not. This is partly, at least, because of the way headcount o w t e N budget and project spend budgets are treated differently, with these budgets s s e n i often being held by different people in the organization. The problem is s u B Agency compounded by the fact that it is much easier to create an ROI metric on the ch r a e s headcount budget than on the project spend budget. Whether this is the right e Involvement R l a b o metric or not can be argued, but if that is the metric being used to drive l G e behavior then it is a very serious threat to research agencies. Th d n a c. n I , p u o The results suggest that agencies should work hard to become trusted advisors tr rG o pg en i to their clients, which involves proactively discussing, and feeding, into a ROI Rt l yu ds un measurement process, which focused on business impact and not Insights tCo S 7n 1o 0t function resourcing. 2s o tB ghe i sTh In y fb o 7 OI 1 R0 2 - © N Bt h g i GRr G y Cp 68 BCo
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