(B) The Licensee wishes to use the GRBN Building Business Impact Handbook ©GRBN 2019 on the terms and conditions of the License. It is agreed as follows: 1 Definitions 1.1 In this Agreement the following expressions shall have the following meanings (unless the context otherwise requires): “Approved Use” access to the GRBN Building Business Impact Handbook ©GRBN 2019 for the internal purposes of the Licensee only; “Commencement Date” the date of payment of fees by License to Licensor “Termination Date” the date of termination of the License as specified in Schedule 1; Handbook” the publication in Adobe PDF file format of GRBN Building Business Impact Handbook ©GRBN 2019: “License Fee” the fee paid by the Licensee for the License in respect of the Prescribed Users determined in accordance with Schedule 1; “Prescribed Users” The number of employees or authorised agents of the Licensee specified in Schedule 1. 1.2 The schedules attached to this Agreement are an integral part of the License. 2. License