TIp 19 tAke CARe oF the bASICS A great research experience requires great fundamentals. No amount of what are the implications for your data and your insights? What are the fancy design will save you if the basics are wrong. implications for the decision-makers relying on you? Don’t take it for granted that all data collectors are equal in this respect. Watch a recording of a webinar to hear the experts Lisa Wilding Brown Make sure yours is getting the basics right. (InnovateMR), Kerry Hecht (Echo MR) and Scotty Greenburg (Tango Card) discuss the key findings from the GRBN Incentives research and the impli- Participant engagement basics cations for end-clients, agencies and data collectors. • Pay a fair incentive commensurate with effort douBle-cHeck Before you fIeld • be honest and transparent about the project, Don’t rush into field without proper testing of your survey. Don’t just test for especially the time commitment required technical issues (broken links are a particular bugbear of frustrated partic- • keep screeners as short as possible ipants). Also, test the survey from a participant engagement / user experi- ence perspective. Have your partner test it, have your kids test it, have your parents test it, your friends test it, why not even ask your hairdresser to test pay a good IncenTIve it! If they react negatively to the experience, it is likely that your participants will too. The latest research from GRBN shows that paying a low incentive has a negative impact on both the participant experience and data quality. Do you want to take that risk with your survey? Sure, you will always (or at least almost always) find someone to answer a survey even if you offer a poor incentive, but who are these people? And keRRY heCht LISA WILdInG-bRoWn SCottY GReenbuRG Echo MR InnovateMR Tango Card ENGAGE 2.0 - 30 TIPS TO IMPROVE THE RESEARCH PARTICIPANT USER EXPERIENCE – A GRBN Handbook © 2020 GRBN 40
ENGAGE 2 0 - 30 tips to improve the research participant user experience - A GRBN Handbook 2020 04 - ol Page 39 Page 41