TIp 14 SPeLL out In the InVIte WhAt You eXPeCt oF SuRVeY-tAkeRS It might be obvious to you, but don’t assume survey-takers know automati- cally what is expected of them. Spell it out. For example, you might not want the participants to take the survey on their mobile device due to the nature of the stimuli or the complexity of the task you are asking them to do. Or you might want them to be at home when taking the survey and not on the move. We need to ensure participants are able and safe to participate. Be clear on the expectations in the invite, otherwise, you risk losing perfect- ly capable participants and giving them a very negative experience. Source: Kelsy Saulsbury, Johnson & Johnson Vision (formerly with Schwan’s Shared Services), IIeX NA 2017 ENGAGE 2.0 - 30 TIPS TO IMPROVE THE RESEARCH PARTICIPANT USER EXPERIENCE – A GRBN Handbook © 2020 GRBN 35
ENGAGE 2 0 - 30 tips to improve the research participant user experience - A GRBN Handbook 2020 04 - ol Page 34 Page 36