TIp 1 undeRStAnd WhAt MotIVAteS PeoPLe to tAke PARt WhICh, IF AnY, oF the FoLLoWInG deSCRIbe WhY You PARtICIPAte In MARket ReSeARCh? Giving a fair incentive is a must, but you need to understand what else motivates potential participants and align the experience you give them to those motivations. for the money 63% for example: To share my opinions 58% Making the survey fun to answer, sharing back data, and telling peo- ple how their participation will help the client are all great ways to To spend my free time 43% motivate people. To influence products that I care about 43% To feel “In the know” 24% Source: GRBN Online UX Survey 2016 ENGAGE 2.0 - 30 TIPS TO IMPROVE THE RESEARCH PARTICIPANT USER EXPERIENCE – A GRBN Handbook © 2020 GRBN 22