Tips for Online Surveys Tips for Online Surveys 29 Ensure mobile friendliness WE SEE THAT IN NORTH AMERICA AT LEAST 30% OF OUR POTENTIAL PARTICIPANTS COME Hitting demographic quotas does not mean the right people TO US LOOKING TO PARTICIPATE IN A SURVEY are participating in your study. To achieve as close to a VIA THEIR MOBILE DEVICE. IN OTHER representative sample as possible, make sure people can COUNTRIES, THAT NUMBER CAN BE MUCH participate on the device of their choosing. HIGHER, FOR EXAMPLE, AS MUCH AS 80% IN Smartphone-first participants differ in notable ways from BRAZIL. EXCLUDING THESE HIGH % OF PC-first participants with respect to key psychographic and PARTICIPANTS THAT MEET YOUR OTHER behavioral traits that are important for researchers and DEMOGRAPHIC OR SCREENING CRITERIA marketers to know. ENSURES YOUR DATA IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE TARGET AUDIENCE. Source: Research For Good How Are Mobile-first Participants Different? Personality Differences Trend/fashion follower 48% 59% 37% 37% FURTHER READING SUGGESTED BY P2SAMPLE: 63% 69% Smartphone-first Likes excitement 54% 51% Quirks: When it Comes to Mobile Respondent Experience and Data Quality, Likes variety 87% 91% Survey Design Matters 82% 80% KinesisPanel: Survey Data Quality in an 80% 77% PC-first Evolving Market Research Ecosystem Likes new/different things 71% 70% DataSpring: How Mobile Respondents Can ©2016 Research Now Group, Inc. 13 Affect Data Quality © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 88 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 89