10 Golden Tips 10 Golden Tips 8 9 Share back Thank your participants Many of the people who participate in research do so out of Many people participate in research because they want to curiosity and a desire to share their opinions. influence business decisions and help brands and One way to significantly improve the experience you give companies they like. Let them know that their opinion participants is to ask them questions, which they could find counts and is of value to you. interesting, and then share back data with them as to how The best way to do this is to let them know how their other people answered the same questions. participation will help you. Let them know what decisions This share-back technique is regularly used in online will be made because of the research. Be as specific as communities and passive metering research. We encourage you can. you also to make it standard practice in your online survey To give a best in class experience, make it personal and and qualitative research. create a short thank you video. To get you inspired here is Sharing back requires some advance planning, but the an example we used in the recent GRBN Online Survey positive impact you will have on the user experience and the Experience A/B Testing project. image of the company or brand sponsoring the research will make the effort well worth the work. - McMillan,1976 Source: Vision Critical © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 34 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 35