Tips for Online Surveys Tips for Online Surveys Survey-taker comments: ȃI truly appreciate being thanked for participating. That is a huge incentive to complete more for MetLife in the future. I now have a greater appreciation for this company as well.Ȅ ȃI thought it was just like all other surveys until I watched the video and found out exactly what they are trying to accomplish.Ȅ Source: GRBN Online Survey Experience A/B Testing ȃI also like the personal touch with the video at the end. I like knowing how my participation may help a company.Ȅ This chart shows that 49% of participants who saw the ȃI like that there was a video of an actual Ȋthank youȋ video said that the survey experience improved the image they have of the company sponsoring the survey. person telling the survey-takers that the surveys This compares with 29% giving the same answer in the have actually been useful to a real company and control cell, demonstrating that the Ȋthank youȋ video from my participation may help a company.Ȅ the client has a significant impact on the experience. - Source: GRBN Online Survey Experience A/B Testing © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 150 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 151