Tips for Online Surveys Tips for Online Surveys 56 …and use simple Try using these words and phrases in your next survey: wording to encourage intrinsic motivation Autonomy: Thank you very much for choosing to do this important survey. Please press the > button According to Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory, when you are ready to continue with the survey. when faced with a task, people’s motivation lies on a continuum from amotivation (not motivated at all), to extrinsic motivation (needing an external reward), to Competence: As one of our most expert survey- intrinsic motivation (wanting to complete the task for its own takers we have selected you to help with this sake). survey. We can move survey participants along the continuum by encouraging feelings of autonomy (you are free to do this or not), competence (you are good at this), relatedness (people Relatedness: People like you all over the country like you are doing this), and value (the task has meaning). are taking part in this survey. Value: Your answers and those of everyone else will help improve the services our client provides to customers like you. Source: SSI Source: SSI © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 128 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 129