Tips for Passive Metering Tips for Passive Metering 72 73 For projectable audience Passive should measurement, active panel be passive management is key When executing research using passive metering, it is Building a projectable panel that is representative and important to keep in mind that Ȋpassiveȋ actually means no statistically controlled is tough. It is easier to build active participation from the research participant. convenience samples that any panelist can join versus To provide users with a good research experience during all statistical samples where the acceptance criteria is clearly phases of the research, try to request as little active defined. For a panel to be projectable, apply weighting and involvement from the participants as possible other than the quotas to each incoming panelist, and segment so your initial installation of the tracker. For example, avoid panel is representative of the consumers you wish to irrelevant popups and ensure the tracker has no impact on measure. the device performance or browsing experience. ȃBy using quotas and calculating for each THE LESS PEOPLE ARE REMINDED THEY ARE incoming panelist, for each segment, the PASSIVELY MEASURED, THE MORE LIKELY THEY ARE likelihood for him/her to still be active in a TO FORGET THEY ARE BEING TRACKED. monthȂs time (and be part of the valid pool of 25% OF PARTICIPANTS INDICATED THEY FORGOT panelists) helps to ensure your panel represents THAT THEY HAD INSTALLED THE TRACKER. the cross-device online universe.Ȅ - Dr. Hannu Verkasalo, Verto Analytics Source: Study conducted by Wakoopa & TEG: Rewards on the participant experience, April 2017 Read more here Source: Wakoopa Source: Verto Analytics © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 170 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 171