Thought Leadership – By Vignesh Krishnan, Sample Chain Data Quality is an important pillar of Market Research (MR). The Objectively, we will also define that any gathering of ‘opinions’ goal of MR is to assist users, brands, researchers, and any other through click farms, bots, and other kinds of poor sources is bad stakeholder to help their cause to achieve its goals. If the quality of data quality. the underlying data is poor, then the results and business outcomes Subjectively, we can also agree that anyone who is taking the survey will poor as well. because they were forced into it, or because they felt obligated for As such, it is imperative that Data Quality be treated as core to the some reason, or only for the incentive is likely also going to be industry. Data Quality is as much a question of practical reality as it inclined to give poor data either on purpose or situationally is a question of ethics. Tia Maurer of P&G recently publicly shared, speaking. In short, we see bad data quality is situations where the via the CASE initiative, a few real-life stories of multi-million-dollar subject (i.e. respondent or data source) is disinterested in the investments which were undermined by poor data quality. research but is either taking the survey purely for some alternative In many ways, Data Quality is an abstract topic – just like ideas, reason. opinions, predictions are also abstract and cannot be defined as In a case where we have an issue which is both objective and ‘good’ and ‘data’, data quality is contextual also. subjective, then we need multiple aspects to fight fraud. While we We will all most probably agree with what bad data quality is – I can call agree on what bad data quality is, it is harder to agree on would define bad data quality as a practice wherein the subject (i.e. what good data quality is. However, we can take some specific steps respondent or data source) is disinterested or disengaged in the in that direction. Typically, a combination of the recommendations research but is taking the survey purely for some alternative reason. on the next page gets you a good result – ‘good results’ being truthful and usable research data: GRBN Global Trust Survey 2020 - US Report © 2020 GRBN 10