Relative to other organizations surveyed, market research companies rank in the middle of the pack on perceived trust, both overall and in regard to use of personal data. Covid- 19 has not had a strong impact on trust in market research companies. US Overall Trust of Market Research Companies – Net Trust Index st Your local police (Ranked 1 of 15) +53 th Market Research companies (Ranked 8 of 15) +18 Average: +18 -21 th Social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter (Ranked 15 of 15) Trust of Market Research Companies Use of Personal Data – Net Trust Index Banks or other financial institutions (Ranked 1st of 15) +46 Average: -2 -12 th Market Research companies (Ranked 9 of 15) -39 th Social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter (Ranked 15 of 15) Impact of Covid-19 on Trust of Market Research Companies 10% 64% 16% 9% (Trust (Trust (Trust (Don’t More) Same) Less) know) GRBN Global Trust Survey 2020 - US Report © 2020 GRBN Net Trust Index = % Trust – % Do Not Trust 19