Relative to the other industries/organizations within the UK, market research companies rank towards the middle on overall trust and is right at the country average. Trust in Market Research (vs. Country Average) Total +15 +18 (Ranked 8thof 15) Net Trust Index th Market Research Companies Australia +12 +7 (Ranked 8 of 15) Country Average Japan 0 +12 (Ranked 9th of 15) Korea -14 +1 (Ranked 12th of 15) Canada +20 +18 (Ranked 8thof 15) Brazil +27 +56 (Ranked 2ndof 15) Mexico +38 +55 (Ranked 2ndof 15) Peru +11 +22 (Ranked 4thof 15) US th of 15) +18 +18 (Ranked 8 th Germany +3 +17 (Ranked 5 of 15) UK +6 +5 (Ranked 9thof 15) Net Trust Index = % Trust – % Do Not Trust 20 GRBN Global Trust Survey 2020 - UK Report © 2020 GRBN