Key Takeaways from the Research: UK Highlights UK People in the UK are less trusting on average than those in the countries surveyed. This is driven largely by a strong distrust in media, social media, internet search and data analytics companies. People in the UK are less trusting of market research companies than their counterparts in the other nine countries on average, and much less trusting than in Germany and UK for example. In the UK, trust in data analytics companies is low both in relative and absolute terms. In contrast, election and opinion polling companies enjoy relatively high levels of trust in the UK. As a result of Covid-19, changes in trust levels are relatively minor in the UK. Health authorities are fairing better, whilst media, social and data analytics companies are fairing worse. People in the UK are skeptical of the benefit of market research to people as either consumers or citizens. They are also relatively skeptical of the benefit to business. Relative to other countries surveyed, trust in market research companies to protect and appropriately use personal data is low. Since 2018, trust in market research companies in the UK is trending in the right direction, in particular when it comes to trust with the use of personal data. GRBN Global Trust Survey 2020 - UK Report © 2020 GRBN 10