Introduction by Andrew Cannon, Executive Director, GRBN “Trust is a precious thing. It is hard to build and easily lost.” I believe that trust with personal data will become more, rather “Trust cannot be taken for granted. It needs to be earned.” than less, important in the years to come. The data from this survey Two simple, but powerful truths I believe, but why should we, the shows that our industry is, in my opinion, punching below its weight global market research sector, care about the general public’s trust? on this matter. A definite opportunity for us to improve. The general public is the lifeblood our sector relies on. Without The GRBN is committed to playing its part in building a relationship people’s willingness to voluntarily give us their time, their opinions with the general public built on trust. and access to their data, our industry is ill-equipped to meet the The GRBN has put in place a Building Public Trust Charter to which needs of decision-makers, who rely on the data and insights we regional and national associations across the globe, which share this provide to inform their decisions. commitment, have endorsed (see overleaf). The findings from this survey tell us that the general public has a If you share our belief that we can, and should, increase the level of “reasonable” amount of trust in our sector. This is good, but is it trust in our sector, please get in touch and let’s do something about good enough? Should we rest on our laurels? it together. I believe not. I believe that our sector has much to gain from being Andrew Cannon more trusted by the general public. Not only would this improve Executive Director, GRBN response rates and data quality, but also differentiate our industry [email protected] from others who are also playing in the data space, both in the eyes of the general public, but also in the eyes of the authorities. GRBN Global Trust Survey 2020 - Global Report © 2020 GRBN 4