Background and Sample The primary objective of the survey is to understand the level of The sample has been designed to be representative of the trust the general public has in the market research industry across population aged 18+ in each country. N=1,000 respondents per the globe, both overall and specifically when it comes to the country, split 500/500 into the two cells, with each cell balanced by handling of personal data. quotas. New for 2020, we are comparing the level of trust in market The countries covered and the sample provider responsible in each research companies with the level of trust in election and opinion country are shown on the following page. polling companies, as well as with data analytics companies. The LOI is less than 10 minutes and two versions of the The secondary objective is to understand more broadly how trust in questionnaire were administered: different types of organizations and bodies compares across the • Version 1 asked respondents first about trust with personal data globe. and has been used to report on questions relating to personal Also, new for 2020, we are exploring how people feel that their level data of trust in these different types of organizations and bodies has • Version 2 asked respondents first about overall trust and has changed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. been used to report on questions relating to overall trust, as well th th Fieldwork was conducted between the 27 of April and the 7 of as the perceived benefit of market research May 2020. • Versions 1 and 2 combined were used to report on questions relating to the market research experience GRBN Global Trust Survey 2020 - Global Report © 2020 GRBN 10