In regard to trust with personal data, market research companies perform well compared to other types of organizations in Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Germany, but fall below average in other countries, especially in Australia, Japan, the UK and Korea. Trust in Market Research to Protect and Appropriately Use Personal Data (vs. Country Average) Total -6 -4 (Ranked 7th of 15) Net Trust Index th Market Research Companies Australia -31 -9 (Ranked 11 of 15) Country Average Japan -23 -12 (Ranked 12thof 15) Korea -38 -20 (Ranked 11thof 15) Canada -16 -2 (Ranked 9th of 15) Brazil +4 +26 (Ranked 4thof 15) Mexico +21 +39 (Ranked 1stof 15) Peru -8 +3 (Ranked 5thof 15) US -12 -2 (Ranked 9th of 15) th Germany -15 +1 (Ranked 6 of 15) UK -12 0 (Ranked 11thof 15) Net Trust Index = % Trust – % Do Not Trust GRBN Global Trust Survey 2020 - Global Report © 2020 GRBN 57