Not only in absolute terms, but also in relative terms, market research companies rank especially highly on trust in Brazil and Mexico. Trust in market research is also relatively strong in Peru and Germany. Korea and Japan stand out as countries where market research is less trusted than other types of organizations on average. Trust in Market Research (vs. Country Average) Total +15 +18 (Ranked 8thof 15) Net Trust Index th Market Research Companies Australia +12 +7 (Ranked 8 of 15) Country Average Japan 0 +12 (Ranked 9th of 15) Korea -14 +1 (Ranked 12th of 15) Canada +20 +18 (Ranked 8thof 15) Brazil +27 +56 (Ranked 2ndof 15) Mexico +38 +55 (Ranked 2ndof 15) Peru +11 +22 (Ranked 4thof 15) US th of 15) +18 +18 (Ranked 8 th Germany +3 +17 (Ranked 5 of 15) UK +6 +5 (Ranked 9thof 15) Net Trust Index = % Trust – % Do Not Trust GRBN Global Trust Survey 2020 - Global Report © 2020 GRBN 23