the bACk StoRY WhY PARtICIPAnt enGAGeMent IS So IMPoRtAnt The tips contained in this Handbook are drawn from research-on-research, as well as from the collective experience of numerous experts in the field who work for companies that interact with participants daily. These experts see what works and what doesn’t both in terms of driving a positive user experience, as well as creating a positive impression on the client commis- sioning the research. We hope this Handbook provides you with food for thought and enables you to take concrete action to improve the experience you give the people who participate in your upcoming projects. We would love to hear your feedback on the tips and your testimonials on how you’ve incorporated them in your daily work. Please get in touch and remember: nobodY deSeRVeS A PooR ReSeARCh uSeR eXPeRIenCe, not eVen YouR MotheR-In-LAW. ENGAGE 2.0 - 30 TIPS TO IMPROVE THE RESEARCH PARTICIPANT USER EXPERIENCE – A GRBN Handbook © 2020 GRBN 11
ENGAGE 2 0 - 30 tips to improve the research participant user experience - A GRBN Handbook 2020 04 - ol Page 10 Page 12