Measuring the teams implement a ROI measurement program and ROI from Insights demonstrate the impact insights have on the business. You can read more about the ROI from Insights Initiative here. This Handbook is all about increasing participant engagement by delivering better user experiences. GRBN is concurrently working on producing a second handbook; one to help client-side insights teams measure the business impact the insights function is delivering. We see ROI as critical to growing insights budgets over the years to come. Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Cambiar, and Yale conducted research on the Future of Insights in 2015. One of the key findings was that relatively few insights teams are measuring their ROI. You can read more about these research insights here. This year, GRBN has co-operated with BCG on conducting further research, specifically looking at the ROI from insights measurement issue. In Q4 2017, we will be issuing, in collaboration with BCG, a report on the Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about research. In Q1 2018, an ROI from insights measurement this initiative and to receive the report and Handbook. handbook will be issued to help client-side insights © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 228 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 229