Tips for Online Surveys Tips for Online Surveys 64 Analyze ƈdrop outsƉ Keep close attention to the drop out percent; these are a direct indication of the quality of the survey and the responses. Request drop out information from panel companies/suppliers. These data can provide valuable information that can be used to improve future surveys. Analyze drop out percent per question post completion of a project to identify if the drop out was driven by one or several questions. Learn from this for future projects while taking survey satisfaction ratings and open-ended feedback into account. Incorrect survey setup can introduce bias that can require exclusion of certain questions in the final data. FURTHER READING SUGGESTED BY P2SAMPLE: FLUID SURVEYS: Response Rate Statistics for Online Surveys - What Numbers Should You be Aiming For? NEOACADEMIC: Predicting Dropout Rates for Students Completing Online Surveys SURVEYMETHODS: Why is Dropout Rate a Problem? Source: P2Sample © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 154 © 2017 GRBN Participant Engagement Handbook | 155